Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What way should a card (in this case an Xmas card) face in an envelope when you send it?

Front of card facing back of envelope - card binding at the bottom, so when opened, the card is facing the person.What way should a card (in this case an Xmas card) face in an envelope when you send it?
It should face so that the design on the front is what you see when you open the envelope. However, there is discussion as to which goes in the envelope first, the fold or the ends. If you do the folds, it may get cut if the recipient uses an envelope opener, or if the ends are up, the recipient may get a papercut. If the fold is on the top, then ends go in first.What way should a card (in this case an Xmas card) face in an envelope when you send it?
when they open it, the front of the card should be the first thing they see. so front of the card goes toward the back of the envelope, right side up.
Hi, this is Jay Selznick,

I think you should have the front of the card facing the back of the envelope.


Jay Selznick
Christmas tree facing down
Since I send pictures in with the card I put in so the opening of the card is at the top of the envelope so the pic doesn't fall out.
It should be the front of the card facing the flap on the envelope. They might use a letter-opener to open it, but you should assume they will open the flap. So, you want the picture on the front of the card to be the first thing they see. I read that in an etiquette book a long time ago.

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