Credit card that only charge if you use it maybe and you not need to pay any fee if not use itWhat is the suitable credit card for people that only want to use it as backup in case not enough cash?
any credit card will do,use or don't use, after a year they will send you a statement asking you to pay the annual fee, what u have to do is to call them up and ask them to waive your annual fee, 99.9% it will be waived
if you have a credit card you must have self control, if not you will owe them a lot of moneyWhat is the suitable credit card for people that only want to use it as backup in case not enough cash?
Using credit card as backup for when there is not enough cash is not the answer. People will get used to it, i.e. over spend. That is not the way to use credit cards. Credit cards are for people who have more than enough money to cover the credit limit - they use the cards for convenience, so as not having to carry a lot of cash around. So, the answer to your question is NONE.
no no no nowadays many credit card u can ask them to waive the annual fee my one also like this if i use a lot they will automatically waive it if not i ring up the centre and request them to waive if they refuse u threathen to cut it so they may consider waive it . serious no joking i and my relatives like uncle also experience it before
hope it helps u
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